
Journal Papers

  1. Y. Zhu, T. C. Green, X. Zhou, Y. Li, D. Kong and Y. Gu, “Impedance Margin Ratio: a New Metric for Small-Signal System Strength,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2024.3371231.
  2. Q. Zheng, F. Gao, Y. Li, Y. Zhu and Y. Gu, “Equivalence of Impedance Participation Analysis Methods for Hybrid AC/DC Power Systems,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 3560-3574, March 2024, doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2023.3288018
  3. Y. Zhu, Y. Zhang and T. C. Green, “Injection Amplitude Guidance for Impedance Measurement in Power Systems,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2023.3256182.
  4. Y. Zhu, Y. Gu, Y. Li and T. C. Green, “Impedance-based Root-cause Analysis: Comparative Study of Impedance Models and Calculation of Eigenvalue Sensitivity,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2022.3179143.
  5. Y. Zhu, Y. Gu, Y. Li, T. C. Green, “Participation Analysis in Impedance Models: TheGrey-Box Approach for Power System Stability” in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 343-353, Jan. 2022, doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2021.3088345.
  6. Y. Li, Y. Gu, Y. Zhu, A. Junyent Ferre, X. Xiang and T. C. Green, “Impedance Circuit Model of Grid-Forming Inverter: Visualizing Control Algorithms as Circuit Elements,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2020.3015158.
  7. P. Ge, Y. Zhu, T. Green and F. Teng, “Resilient Secondary Voltage Control of Islanded Microgrids: An ESKBF-Based Distributed Fast Terminal Sliding Mode Control Approach,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2020.3012026.
  8. Y. Gu, Y. Li, Y. Zhu and T. Green, “Impedance-Based Whole-System Modeling for a Composite Grid via Embedding of Frame Dynamics,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2020.3004377.
  9. Y. Zhu, J. Wu, R. Wang, Z. Lin and X. He, “Embedding Power Line Communication in Photovoltaic Optimizer by Modulating Data in Power Control Loop,” in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 66, no. 5, pp. 3948-3958, May 2019.
  10. R. Zhang, J. Wu, R. Wang, R. Yan, Y. Zhu and X. He, “A Novel Battery Management System Architecture Based on an Isolated Power/Data Multiplexing Transmission Bus,” in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 66, no. 8, pp. 5979-5991, Aug. 2019.

Conference Papers

  1. A. Hadjileonidas, Y. Zhu*, T. Green, Admittance Margin: A Guideline for Placement of Grid-Following and Grid-Forming Inverters Regarding Small-Signal Stability, IECON 2024 – 50th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Chicago, USA. Accepted.
  2. X. Xiang, X. Zhang, Y. Zhu, G. P. Chaffey, Y. Gu and T. C. Green, “The Resonant Modular Multilevel DC Converters for High Step-ratio and Low Step-ratio Interconnection in MVDC Distribution Network,” IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Lisbon, Portugal, 2019, pp. 5686-5693, doi: 10.1109/IECON.2019.8926939.


  1. Babak Badrzadeh, Zia Emin, etc. Power System Dynamic Modelling and Analysis in Evolving Networks (CIGRE Green Book), 2024, Springer


  1. Y. Zhu, J. Du, Z. Wang, J. Wu and X. He, “A Feed-Forward MPPT Algorithm Method to Enhance PV Optimizer under Partial Shading , “ China National Invention Patent., Licensed No.2016103629828.
  2. Y. Zhu, R. Wang, R. Yan, Z. Qian, J. Wu and X. He, “An ASK Demodulation Circuit Based on Analog Switches, “ China National Invention Patent., Licensed No. 2017106009198.
  3. J. Wu, Y. Zhu, Z. Feng and X. He, “An Online Debugging System Based on ARM Cortex M4,” China National Invention Patent., Licensed No. 2016109334312.
  4. J. Wu, Y. Zhu, R. Wang, Z. Wang and X. He, “A Structure of a Centralized PV System to Realize DMPPT, “ China National Invention Patent., Licensed No. 2017102713295.
  5. J. Wu, Y. Zhu, Z. Qian, R. Yan, Z. Wang and X. He, “A PSK Demodulation Circuit Based on Analog Switches, “ China National Invention Patent., Licensed No. 2017106023532.
  6. J. Wu, Z. Qian, Y. Zhu, R. Wang and X. He, “An Online Technique to Measure Mutual Inductance in Wireless Power Transmission System, “ China National Invention Patent., Licensed No. 2016110523599.
  7. R. Wang, Y. Zhu, Z. Qian, J. Wu and X. He, “A Self-organization Energy Router Applied in Low Voltage Power Distribution,” China National Invention Patent., Licensed No. 2017104149061.
